Technologies in China Fashion Marketing: Innovations & Strategies

Written by Duhno | May 18, 2023 5:27:38 AM

Key takeaways:

The fashion industry is expected to grow globally, with the luxury segment in China projected to experience significant growth compared to Europe and the US.

The webinar focused on 4 core technologies revolutionizing the fashion business: virtual try-on, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and metaverses.

1. Virtual influencers:

Virtual influencers are computer-generated characters or avatars that are designed to mimic real-life influencers. They possess their own personalities, styles, and interests, making them relatable and engaging to the audience.

In the context of the fashion industry, virtual influencers have emerged as a powerful marketing tool. Brands are utilizing these digital personalities to showcase their products, collaborate on campaigns, and promote their brand image. Virtual influencers provide a unique opportunity for brands to tap into the digital landscape and reach a broader audience, particularly the tech-savvy and digitally engaged younger generation.

By leveraging virtual influencers, fashion brands can experiment with innovative and creative marketing strategies. These digital characters can wear and showcase different outfits, collaborate with other brands or influencers, and even attend virtual events. They can be seamlessly integrated into social media platforms, enabling brands to generate buzz, drive engagement, and create a distinctive brand identity.

The webinar highlighted the immense potential of virtual influencers in the fashion industry and explored how their use can disrupt traditional marketing approaches. By leveraging the captivating power of these digital personas, fashion brands can connect with their target audience in new and exciting ways, fostering brand loyalty and driving business growth.

Creating a virtual influencer can be costly, on the practical aspect, we suggest using the power of illustration to create your own brand mascot, the use of illustration provides a more accessible entry point for brands interested in leveraging virtual influencers, as it offers a lower barrier to entry compared to developing fully-rendered 3D models. The ability to create illustrated virtual influencers opens up new possibilities for fashion marketing strategies, ultimately fostering a stronger connection with consumers in the digital realm.

2. AI-generated images and videos:

In this chapter, we discussed how advancements in artificial intelligence have enabled the creation of highly realistic and immersive visuals that can revolutionize various aspects of fashion, from product development to marketing.

One key topic of discussion was the use of AI-generated images and videos for virtual try-on experiences. With AI, it is now possible to create virtual fitting rooms where customers can virtually try on clothing items, accessories, or even makeup products. This technology not only enhances the online shopping experience but also reduces the need for physical try-ons, leading to increased convenience for customers and potential cost savings for retailers.

Additional, AI technology has advanced to a point where it can generate photorealistic images and videos, enabling e-commerce platforms to showcase products more effectively. This technology allows customers to have a 3D view of items they wish to purchase, while the product might still not exist and enhancing their online shopping experience.

One practical application of AI generating images could be AI in generating photos for digital asset management (DAM) systems. and dynamically creating e-commerce and social media pictures. We discussed how AI algorithms can be leveraged to automatically generate high-quality product images for cataloging and organizing purposes within DAM systems. This eliminates the need for manual photography and editing, saving time and resources for fashion brands.

By integrating AI into DAM systems and leveraging its capabilities for photo generation, fashion brands can streamline their content creation processes, enhance the quality and consistency of their visuals, and respond quickly to evolving market demands. These advancements empower brands to deliver visually compelling and tailored experiences across various digital platforms, ultimately driving engagement, sales, and brand loyalty.

3.The potential of blockchain:

Blockchain technology holds promise for the fashion industry by providing transparency, traceability, and authenticity verification. It can revolutionize aspects such as product sourcing and sustainability, building trust and credibility among consumers.

Another trending use of blockchain is to couple it with NFC technology (Near Field Communication). In combination with NFC technology, which enables seamless wireless communication between devices, fashion brands can link physical garments with their digital counterparts. By embedding an NFC tag or chip into a piece of clothing, customers can easily interact with it using their smartphones. This interaction unlocks a range of possibilities, such as accessing product information, verifying authenticity, and even creating a digital twin of the clothing item.

On the practical aspect, fashion brands can incorporate NFC tags into their garments, and create digital twins of their products. These digital twins serve as virtual representations of the physical clothing items and are linked to the blockchain and has a unique digital identity.

4.Fashion personalization

We highlighted the significance of fashion personalization as a key trend in the industry. With advancements in technology, brands now have the opportunity to offer personalized experiences to their customers. By leveraging data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, fashion brands can gain insights into individual preferences, styles, and shopping behaviors.

Fashion personalization allows brands to curate tailored recommendations, suggesting products that align with a customer's unique tastes and preferences. This level of customization goes beyond traditional segmentation and enables brands to provide personalized product recommendations, personalized styling suggestions, and even customized sizing options. By understanding and catering to individual customer needs, fashion brands can create a more engaging and satisfying shopping experience.

By harnessing technology and data-driven insights, brands can offer personalized recommendations, styling suggestions, and customer service, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The power of personalization lies in creating unique and tailored experiences that resonate with individual customers, making them feel seen, valued, and connected to the brand.

5.The Metaverses:

Metaverses are virtual environments that exist alongside the physical world, enabling users to engage in immersive and interactive experiences. These digital realms offer endless possibilities for creativity, social interaction, and commerce.

In the context of the fashion industry, metaverses open up new avenues for brand expression, virtual fashion experiences, and digital commerce. Fashion brands can create virtual showrooms, where customers can explore and interact with their products in a dynamic and visually captivating environment. Metaverses also provide opportunities for virtual fashion shows, allowing designers to showcase their collections in a way that transcends physical limitations and reaches a global audience.

Moreover, metaverses offer the potential for virtual fashion items and accessories. Users can personalize their digital avatars with virtual clothing, allowing for self-expression and style experimentation. Virtual fashion items can be bought, traded, and collected within the metaverse, creating a new market for digital fashion.

Additionally, metaverses foster social connections and communities. Users can gather in virtual spaces, attend events, and engage in social interactions with like-minded individuals. Fashion brands can leverage these communities to build brand loyalty, collaborate with influencers, and co-create content.

The discussion around metaverses highlighted the transformative power of these digital realms in revolutionizing the fashion industry. Metaverses provide immersive experiences, virtual fashion showcases, and a new market for digital fashion items. As the concept evolves, fashion brands have the opportunity to tap into the metaverse landscape to engage with customers in exciting and innovative ways, shaping the future of fashion.

6. 3D digital products creation and visualization 

We explored 3D digital product creation and visualization and its implications for the fashion industry. This technology allows fashion brands to create virtual representations of their products, offering enhanced visualizations and realistic simulations.

By leveraging 3D digital product creation and visualization, fashion brands can offer made-to-order (MTO)products that are tailored to each customer's unique specifications. Customers can interact with virtual representations of the garments and customize elements such as color, size, fabric, and design details. This level of personalization ensures that customers receive a product that meets their specific preferences and measurements.

The use of 3D technology allows for accurate virtual prototyping and rendering, providing a realistic depiction of the final product. This eliminates the need for mass production and excessive inventory, as items are produced on-demand. With on-demand production, brands can offer a wider range of options and styles, catering to individual tastes and reducing the risk of overstocking or unsold inventory.

On a practical aspect Fashion brands could run innovative phygital campaigns. 

We provide fashion brands with the opportunity to embark on a campaign that enhances the customer experience both online and offline through a phygital approach.

Our innovative phygital campaign revolves around the concept of combining physical items with digital experiences to create a truly unique and immersive brand encounter. 

One of the key features of our campaign is the inclusion of digital items, which can take the form of collectibles or wearable assets in the Metaverse. These digital items add an extra layer of excitement and engagement for customers, as they can be owned, displayed, and even traded within virtual environments.

The essence of our campaign lies in its distinct characteristics. First, we produce these offerings in small quantities, ensuring their exclusivity and desirability. This scarcity creates a sense of value and uniqueness among customers, driving excitement and demand.

Second, we offer exclusive customization options, allowing customers to personalize their physical items and digital collectibles. This level of customization enhances the sense of ownership and personal connection to the brand, fostering a deeper engagement and loyalty.

Lastly, the campaign features a limited-time availability, creating a sense of urgency and prompting customers to act swiftly. This time-bound nature adds an element of exclusivity and drives customers to seize the opportunity before it's gone.

By combining physical items with digital collectibles, customization, and limited availability, our phygital campaign offers fashion brands a powerful and compelling way to engage their audience and create a truly memorable and exclusive brand experience.


In conclusion, this webinar has provided a glimpse into the exciting intersection of technology and the fashion industry. We have explored various innovations and practical applications that can enhance the customer experience, drive brand engagement, and unlock new opportunities for growth.


From the use of blockchain and NFC technology for traceability and product uniqueness, to the power of AI-generated images and videos for dynamic content creation, we have witnessed how technology is transforming the way fashion brands operate and connect with their customers. The rise of virtual influencers and metaverses has opened up new avenues for creative expression and brand storytelling, while on-demand production and made-to-order approaches have enabled personalized and sustainable fashion experiences.

By embracing these advancements and exploring new possibilities, fashion brands can stay ahead of the curve and stand out in an ever-evolving industry. It is an exciting time to be part of this transformation, where digital and physical realms converge to create innovative and immersive brand experiences.

To delve deeper into these topics and gain a comprehensive understanding of the insights shared in the webinar, we invite you to fill out the form below. By doing so, you will gain access to the full replay of the webinar, allowing you to explore the intricacies of each discussion point and discover how these technological advancements can be harnessed to shape the future of the fashion industry.

Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and be at the forefront of fashion and technology integration.